Monthly Traffic
What precisely is "Monthly Traffic"? Just how much monthly traffic do you need for your websites and apps?
When some data is uploaded to a hosting account or downloaded from it, website traffic is produced and this is a feature that each and every hosting package comes with. It is furthermore among the characteristics you have to check out, as the amount of website traffic allowance you will need depends upon the things you need the account for. The traffic is generally generated by downloads which includes web site visits. Basically, every time someone goes to your web site, the webpages are downloaded from the server to his or her computer system and they're afterwards displayed by their web browser. It is also recommendable to know that uploads matter too, which means that every time you back up bigger files from your computer to the server, some traffic is generated as well. Different companies may have different names for this feature, such as traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, but they all refer to the very same thing - the total amount of incoming & outgoing info produced for a given period of time.
Monthly Traffic in Hosting
All of our
Linux hosting were created with the notion to handle the traffic generated by any type of website that can run in such an account. If you own one or multiple small or medium-sized web sites, you'll not be limited by the monthly website traffic quota irrespective of what content you have - plain text or lots of images, for example. The statistics inside the hosting Control Panel provides you with comprehensive data about the traffic produced by every single site along with the total amount for the account as a whole. The statistics are updated live and display both the daily and the monthly usage, so that you will be aware of how much data is transferred to and from the website hosting account anytime. Day one of each month the counter is reset, but you will be able to view the website traffic statistics for the previous months, that will show you how your sites perform.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers Hosting
Using a
dedicated server, you'll have a very efficient web hosting tool at your disposal and the website traffic allowance that you will get suits all of the other features. Your server will be able to generate terabytes of website traffic each month, so that regardless of the type or amount of websites that you host, you'll never have to worry for them being not available because of inadequate traffic. To be on the safe side though, we will give you the opportunity to update this feature if required. We'll inform you in advance if you get close to the restriction, so that you'll have the time to upgrade or reduce the website traffic by optimizing your content avoiding any interruption of the work of your sites. You are able to view the consumed and remaining site traffic for the present month through the control panel that we provide. The information there contains all incoming as well as all of the outgoing transfers, including software setups and / or updates. In comparison, a hosting Control Panel offers more detailed data, however only for the traffic to and from a web host account, not the server as a whole.