The cPanel Control Panel was the undisputed frontrunner amongst website hosting administration user interfaces some time ago. The moment hosting came into common use, the cPanel concept did not fit into the new standards and come up to the needs of the dynamic hosting industry anymore.

The SGK Hosting Control Panel was built to work on a cloud website hosting setup and can easily easily be adjusted any time a brand–new capability is designed. It is a one–stop website management solution for handling your online presence in addition to your domain names, web sites, billing in addition to your support communication.

1. Domain/invoicing/web site tools


Should you want to maintain your domains, websites and invoicing from just one web address and not have to resort to any extra interfaces, the SGK Hosting Control Panel is exactly what you need.


The cPanel Control Panel doesn’t offer synchronised handling of domain names and websites. You are given one invoicing panel for your domain names and bills, and another Control Panel for your web sites.

2. File Arrangement


Controlling numerous domains and sites from a single website hosting account should be straightforward. Within the SGK Hosting Control Panel, every single domain and subdomain is situated in a distinct directory and is 100% independent from the other.


In the cPanel Control Panel, you have just one web hosting account for your primary website and in case you want to activate other web sites in the same website hosting account, they’re going to be integrated as subfolders of your primary website. This will make taking care of a number of web sites very perplexing.

3. File Manager


Using the File Manager of the SGK Hosting Control Panel, you’ll have total control of the files of your websites. You’ll be able to quickly upload new files utilizing drag–n–drop functionality, efficiently change several files at the same time through the multi–selection functionality, extract archives with a click, edit files utilizing the included basic and WYSWYG editors and more.


The cPanel’s File Manager will give you restricted control of your files and folders. You’ll have difficulty uploading numerous files at a time and will not have the capacity to drag and drop files because this functionality is not included. An archive/unzip function is not made available either. File revising applications are also reduced.

4. Free–of–cost Gifts


Using the SGK Hosting Control Panel, you you’ll receive a lot of totally free add–ons put together by us. They’re available absolutely free with each web hosting plan, which uses our Control Panel. With each package, you can employ tools like the Simple Web Site Installer, the 1 Click App Installer, the PHP Framework Installer, the Free Web Site Generator, a collection of Advanced Applications, and more.


The cPanel Control Panel is delivered through a paid license and extra bonus tools will be included at an added cost. This means, even if your provider features 100–percent–free bonus features inside the cPanel, their actual value will be included in the price of your website hosting plan. Additionally, the quantity and sort of no–cost gifts will vary from one host supplier to another.

5. Control Panel Rates of Operation


The SGK Hosting Control Panel has been created using the most advanced web related technologies. By doing this, it employs fully the power of your browser and Internet access to so you can control your web sites really fast. In our evaluation tests, when performing identical tasks, our Control Panel scored 3 times faster rates versus competitive control panels.


cPanel is still working on a platform from a decade ago and may really be sluggish occasionally. The cPanel team of developers has carried out a vital step with the roll–out of cPanel accelerated. Then again, in comparison tests, common site administration procedures frequently exhibit better outcomes with alternative Control Panel tools.

6. Multi–domain name Control


The SGK Hosting Control Panel provides you with a one–of–a–kind solution to manage many different domains and sites from a single user–friendly interface. Domain management is smooth and switching to website management means you only need to proceed to a different part of the Control Panel tool.


The cPanel Control Panel will keep things isolated – you’ll have to control your domain names from 1 web address and your web sites from a separate one. Each site has its own Control Panel. Maintaining multiple sites from one Control Panel is also possible, but could also be rather puzzling because virtually all additional domains will be saved in the folder of the principal domain name.

7. Control Panel Menu


The SGK Hosting Control Panel is really easy to browse through. You’ll have a useful top navigation menu, from where you will get to any section of the Control Panel, without having to go back to the main page each time. In addition, we have included a quick stats widget on the home page, so any time you log in, you can have a peek at how many site visitors have attended your website.


In the cPanel home page, you will see icons to all parts of the Control Panel. So, even though you never employ a section, you’ll still find it in the index page. Additionally, to switch between the different sections, you always have to browse straight back to the main page and then head somewhere else.

8. Demo Control Panel Accounts


With the SGK Hosting Control Panel, we’ve designed an all–inclusive demo interface for you to examine just before sign–up. You’ll get access to a test Linux hosting account from where you’re able to setup mail addresses, mount apps, make brand new subdomains, and also make a website using any of the web–site constructors, and so forth. If you like what you have come up with – you you can easily enroll from the demo account and preserve anything you have created up to now.


The cPanel Control Panel demo is basically a screen–shot of what is inside the main menu. Nearly every capability that’s displayed there is inaccessible. Thus, when you sign up, you will have no clue how the included instruments and functions of the Control Panel actually perform.

Using the SGK Hosting Control Panel, taking care of your web sites will be simple and pleasant. Simply take a quick look at our Web Site Control Panel demo and explore the offered parameters and capabilities to see by yourself.

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