To keep a quickly operating website, you must have a plain and well written back–end code. Within the Web Site Control Panel, you can find a collection of applications that may help you speed up your website’s performance without needing to edit anything within the back–end code. The Web Accelerator Applications – Memcached, Node.js and Varnish will not just aid you to present a lot faster streaming rates to your guests and so minimize bounce percentage, but may also take your website higher in the search engine rankings.

To implement the Web Accelerator Applications, simply log in your Web Site Control Panel and create an instance for the accelerator you need the most.


RAM–saving as opposed to data base queries

When you have a data–base–loaded website or app, and data–base calls have a tendency to decrease the functionality, this could be really discouraging for the web–site visitors or the web application users. Looking for a resolution can usually demand a great deal of time. However, within the SGK Hosting Web Site Control Panel, you can find a solution for you.

Memcached is a simple, yet powerful distributed memory object caching system, that caches data and objects within the RAM. By doing this, the database–stored information on your website does not need to be loaded each time a visitor opens up the identical web page.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–caching as opposed to HTTP calls

Using the Varnish web accelerator integrated into SGK Hosting’s Web Site Control Panel, you can easily make your website pages load more rapidly for your website visitors. All of the configuration settings are done through a user friendly interface, without the need to create any immediate modifications to the backend code of your web site.

Varnish is definitely an HTTP acceleration tool that can help all web pages load faster by saving them within the server memory. In this way, right after a page has been opened up by a customer once, it doesn’t need to be shipped by the server any longer, which will cuts website loading times and then hastens your web pages. It has been measured that Varnish commonly quickens delivery times with a factor of 300 – 1000x.

Hepsia File Manager


Develop adaptable apps without any problem

Node.js gives a contemporary encoding system for developing adaptable web applications and websites in a short time span. It can be employed for almost everything – from controlling API requests, streaming data in addition to parsing emails to transforming photos, audio files, movies and office files.

It’s using the Google V8 JavaScript engine and additionally takes advantage of an event–based, non–blocking I/O model that makes it light and effective. Additionally, Node.js boasts a big supportive community that creates continuous updates to the system and is constantly willing to assist.

Hepsia File Manager