A solid-state drive (SSD) boosts the performance of each app running on it in comparison with a classic hard-disk drive (HDD). The reason is that a solid-state drive works by using many different interconnected flash memory units, so there are no physical parts to move. In contrast, a hard disk uses spinning disks and each reading or writing process causes the disks to spin, which means that the speed of an HDD is limited. As the prices of the two types of drives also differ, lots of personal computers and web servers are set up with an SSD for the OS and various applications, and a hard-disk drive for data storage, this way balancing price and overall performance. A web hosting service provider may also use an SSD for caching purposes, which means that files which are accessed frequently will be kept on such a drive for accomplishing better loading speeds and for reducing the reading/writing processes on the HDDs.
SSD with Data Caching in Hosting
If you host your sites in a hosting account with our company, you'll notice their fantastic performance. This is because our cloud platform uses exclusively SSD drives for all of the files, e-mail addresses and databases and we do not use HDDs for any part of the web hosting service. Together with the state-of-the-art ZFS file system, this configuration will raise the speed of your sites tremendously. For load-balancing, we also use numerous SSDs for caching purposes only. All the content which generates increased traffic or creates plenty of reading/writing processes is duplicated on them promptly, so that the load on the primary drives will be lower, thus the overall performance of all sites hosted with us will improve. The abovementioned subsequently prolongs the life of the main drives and lessens the chance of a disk failure, which is a further warranty for the reliability of all content which you upload to your account.