A Control Panel is a web-based interface through which you can control different aspects of your presence online. As an illustration, you can easily create or modify website files, create and check email messages, manage databases, check visitor statistics and so on. Those things are carried out using buttons and menus in an internet browser and the CP could also be called ‘back office’, i.e. the administration area associated with your web hosting account. Most of the Control Panels these days will enable you to manage all hosting-related matters, but you will normally need a different system to handle payments or to get a new domain when the company offers domain registrations. Based on the platform they use, you may be able to use the billing account to open a support ticket to ask a question or to troubleshoot an issue also, or you may have to employ a third system.
Multilingual Control Panel in Hosting
The Hepsia Control Panel, included with our Linux hosting, isn't third-party software. It was built by our knowledgeable programmers based on user feedback and the result is an all-in-one tool, that'll enable you to control files and emails, to renew payments, to register domains and to open trouble tickets from just one spot, so you can forget about going through different systems to do something as basic as obtaining a new domain name and hosting it. We have also created detailed educational videos, that'll teach you first-hand how to perform various things in case you have never used a website hosting account before. Many functions are accessible via right-click menus and due to the fact that Hepsia is quite intuitive to use, managing your account will be as easy as administrating content on your desktop computer. Various skins are available and you may select a preferred language picking from among Spanish, French, Russian, German, Italian and many others. Furthermore, you may also move the different sections around and arrange them depending on your taste.